I’m entering Junior Achievement Portugal, which isn’t only for portugal…

So I’m entering this competition with some of my friends from my school.

Our product isn’t my engine :(, but still good! It’s a website for businesses to communicate and as we say, make a bridge between the businesses. The website is mainly being developed in PHP, Apache, MySQL, HTML( 🙂 ) and some other 3rd parties( Like CodeIgniter ).


So yeah… The website has some pretty features, but there’s much more!

Update on engine:

  • Fixed getting change in time, the engine now measures in microseconds.
  • GOAL: Advanced materials and shaders…

MFC Update

Hi guys,

as i said, I’m porting my whole editor to mfc, and I’m generally pleased with MFC.

Results(Not final):

These are just some few screenshots.

Features yet to go(Compared with the old .net form):

  • Terrain Painting window – the actual system is ready.
  • .Obj loading – just missing to add a simple button and one command…

After that, i can finally continue my development of my engine 🙂